"Petite activité sociale" à la cité internationale de la gastronomie et du vin
Pour ceux qui arrivent la veille, visite de la cité internationale de la gastronomie et du vin avec un guide et Atelier Moutarde, un spécialité Dijonnaise ! Repas sur place.
Départ des Odalys vers 17.00 ou rdv directement à la cité de la gastronomie.
› “It will never come as a shock”: How staff members experience and perceive the release process from professional football academies - Thomas McGlinchey, Nottingham Trent University
10:00-10:10 (10min)
› “It made my university experience a lot better”: University Students' experiences of sport-based physical activity programmes - Laura Healy, Nottingham Trent University
10:11-10:21 (10min)
› Tipping the emotional edge of sports fans: The moderation of emotional attachment on the associations between fanship, fandom, subjective well-being, and attitudinal loyalty - Giorgio Portaluri, University of Rome “Foro Italico”
10:22-10:32 (10min)
› Toward a Social Dimensions Framework for Use in Health Behaviour Change Research. - Mark Beauchamp, The University of British Columbia
10:33-10:43 (10min)
› Fandom, Identity, and Social Change: Reflections from Women's Sport Research - Elizabeth Delia, University of Massachusetts Amherst
11:21-11:31 (10min)
› Using Self-Determination Theory and The Social Identity Approach to Understand the Role of Incentivization on Youth Sport Participation - Brenda Bruner, Nipissing University
11:32-11:42 (10min)
› Effects of Achievement Situations on Cognitive Evaluation of Threat and Challenge: A Social Identity Approach - Léo Lurquin, Laboratoire de psychologie : dynamiques relationnelles et processus identitaires [Dijon]
11:43-11:53 (10min)
› The effect of descriptive norms on performance and effort during exercise tasks and the moderating role of social identification - Mark Stevens, Australian National University
11:54-12:04 (10min)
› Exploring [in]congruence in the destabilising rhetoric used against the European Super League - Daniel Lock, Department of Sport and Event Management, Bournemouth University
12:05-12:15 (10min)
› Bucking Mid-Life Inactivity: A Study Of 40–64-year-olds' Participation In Zwift, An Online Exercise Community, Through A Social Identity Lens. - Toby Richards, University of Sussex
14:30-14:40 (10min)
› Taking one for the team - Pete Coffee, Heriot-Watt University
14:41-14:51 (10min)
› STANDING TOGETHER: ARE IDENTITY LEADERS IMPORTANT IN THE COMMUNAL COPING PROCESS? - A SOCIAL NETWORK PERSPECTIVE - - Kevin Mahot, Laboratoire Motricité, Interactions, Performance, Nantes Université, Nantes, France
14:52-15:02 (10min)
› Psychological Insights on the Boycott of the 2022 FIFA World Cup - Paul Bertin, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology
15:03-15:13 (10min)
› A systematic review of Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing (PDMS) interventions among sport groups - Harry Warburton, University of the West of Scotland
15:14-15:24 (10min)
› Does Identity Leadership Provided by Coaches and Athlete Leaders Promote Performance and Health? A Cross-Cultural Study in Football Teams. - Radhika Butalia, KULeuven
15:47-15:57 (10min)
› A Cross-National Examination of Identity Leadership in Youth Sports - Radhika Butalia, KULeuven
15:58-16:08 (10min)
› How Identity Leadership Relates to Performance and Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Psychological Safety Across Age and Cultures - Katrien Fransen, KULeuven
16:09-16:19 (10min)
› Towards Leaderful Youth Teams: Testing the Effectiveness of the 5R Shared Leadership Program in Youth Sports - Marie-Laure Hendrickx, KULeuven
16:20-16:30 (10min)
› More Than Sport: A new program of social identity management to support athletes retiring from elite sport - Catherine Haslam, The University of Queensland
17:00-17:12 (12min)
› Testing the acceptability of MORE THAN SPORT: A social-identity intervention to support transitions out of elite sport. - Tarli Young, School of Psychology, University of Queensland
17:15-17:27 (12min)
› Crossing the Finish Line: Facilitating Athletes' Retirement with the More Than Sport Program - Korneel Schepers, KULeuven
17:30-17:42 (12min)
› More than Sport - Youth: Supporting Youth Athletes Through Sport Career Transitions - Meredith Schertzinger, Nipissing University
17:45-17:57 (12min)
Apéritif de bienvenue au Cellier de Clairvaux organisé par la mairie poursuivi par une soirée dans un pub, avec des entraîneurs professionnels abordant l'identité sociale dans leur projet de performance.
› Examining the Feasibility and Acceptability of Online Social Identity Mapping with Youth Athletes - Mark Bruner, Nipissing University
09:00-09:10 (10min)
› A longitudinal investigation of social identity leadership influence on athletes' perceived social support through team identification and felt understanding - Phil Hillson, University of Essex, Anglia Ruskin University
09:11-09:21 (10min)
› Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing among national volleyball athletes: A crossover study. - Harry Warburton, University of the West of Scotland
09:22-09:32 (10min)
› Anonymity And Online Social Identification In Mid-life: Exploring The Potential Of Judgement-Free Exercising via Les Mills OnDemand - Toby Richards, University of Sussex
09:33-09:43 (10min)
› Applying the Social Identity Model of Identity Change to Athlete Career Transition: Extending the Model to Embrace Dynamic Identity Change - Ye Zhang, School of Psychology, University of Queensland
09:58-10:08 (10min)
› Does group membership influence visual attention? - Alan Guyomarch, Laboratoire de psychologie : dynamiques relationnelles et processus identitaires [Dijon], Centre de recherche cerveau et cognition
10:09-10:19 (10min)
› Putting the ‘we' into sport: Exploring the ever-increasing impact of the social identity approach to the psychology of sport and exercise - Alex Haslam, School of Psychology, University of Queensland
10:20-10:30 (10min)
› Good ideas with bad results : What did not work in the TEAMSPORTS might interests you - Pellet Julien, Laboratoire Psy-DREPI (UR 7458), Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
10:50-10:54 (04min)
› “A home from home” The impact of relocation on the social identity of a team, its fans and the community - Simon Kawycz, Liverpool Hope University
10:54-10:58 (04min)
› We are United: Reflections on co-teaching the social identity approach to leadership with a professional football club - Fergus Neville, University of St Andrews Business School
10:58-11:02 (04min)
› "The Role of Social Identity in the Perception of Team and Opponent Emotions and Its Influence on the Emotion-Performance Relationship in Football Penalty Takers" - Guillaume Perreau-Niel, Laboratoire de psychologie : dynamiques relationnelles et processus identititaires - Mickaël Campo, Laboratoire de psychologie : dynamiques relationnelles et processus identitaires [Dijon], Pôle Préparation Mentale et Accompagnement des Staffs
11:02-11:06 (04min)
› Exploring the role of sport in identity transition after injury: A family perspective: A systematic review - Simon Kawycz, Liverpool Hope University
11:06-11:10 (04min)
› Enabler or Process Variable: What is the Role of Team Identification in Thriving? - Eesha Shah, University of Bath [Bath]
11:10-11:14 (04min)
› Effect of Identity Positioning on Visual Search Strategies and Decision-Making in Team Sports: An Exploratory Study with Professional Basketball Players. - Alan Guyomarch, Laboratoire Cerco, CNRS UMR 5549, Laboratoire Psy-DREPI (UR 7458), Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France - Benoit Cottereau, Laboratoire Cerco, CNRS UMR 5549, Image & Pervasive Access Lab
11:14-11:18 (04min)
› Exploring communal coping through the lens of social identity: A novel approach to investigate coping within sports teams - Emilie Pété, Psy-DREPI (UR 7458), Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
11:18-11:22 (04min)
› Homegrown Heroes: Shared Group Membership is a Basis for Recognizing Outstanding Sports Performance - Nik Steffens, University of Queensland
11:22-11:26 (04min)
› Do you really own my club? The relation between football fans' perception of identity leadership by a foreign investor and their club identification. - Filip Boen, KULeuven
11:26-11:30 (04min)
› How a group exercise class differs from a basketball team (and why this matters): Towards a typology of groups based on seven structural dimensions. - Filip Boen, KULeuven
11:30-11:34 (04min)
› Individual emotions and team emotions through the lens of social identity: Study of emotional dynamics in two female team sports teams. - Pierre GERAT, Ligue de Rugby Auvergne Rhône Alpes [Chaponnay] ; Fédération Française de Rugby [Marcoussis], Laboratoire de psychologie : dynamiques relationnelles et processus identitaires [Dijon]
11:34-11:38 (04min)
› Exploring the Factors Shaping Social Identity in Elite Athletes - Julien Pellet, Laboratoire Psy-DREPI (UR 7458), Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
09:00-09:10 (10min)
› Fan Identification through Glocalization: The Love Story of Kerala and Sevens - Aravind Reghunathan, Institute for Sport Business, Loughborough University London - Daniel Lock, Department of Sport and Event Management, Bournemouth University
09:11-09:21 (10min)
› Identity leadership and motivation in Zumba classes: Does it matter to create a sense of ‘us' in temporary exercise groups? - Filip Boen, KULeuven
09:22-09:32 (10min)
› Impact of identity on feelings of exclusion among minority groups of video game players - Sarah Wiecek, Centre de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations
09:33-09:43 (10min)
› Exploring Student-Athletes' Social Identity During Transitions from Elite Sport into Higher Education - Benjamin Jeffery, Nottingham Trent University
09:44-09:54 (10min)
› Inclusive gym messaging boosts body image and exercise intentions among marginalised groups - Tegan Cruwys, Australian National University
10:17-10:27 (10min)
› Leadership Emotions and Group Identity: Experimental Insights - Fabrice Gabarrot, Laboratoire Psy-Drepi
10:28-10:38 (10min)
› Enhancing Team Performance through Social Identity: More lessons from Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby. - Jeremy Holt, Centre for Team Excellence, Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby
10:39-10:49 (10min)
› The effects of a dual phase Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing (PDMS) intervention on social identity, identity content, collective efficacy, and team performance in elite male academy rugby. - Jason Wright, Staffordshire University
10:50-11:00 (10min)
› The importance of ‘we' and ‘us' in team sport: Practical guidance for developing a shared social identity - Matthew Slater, Staffordshire University - Jamie Barker, Loughborough University - Mark Beauchamp, The University of British Columbia
11:15-12:00 (45min)