› Exploring the Factors Shaping Social Identity in Elite Athletes - Julien Pellet, Laboratoire Psy-DREPI (UR 7458), Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
09:00-09:10 (10min)
› Fan Identification through Glocalization: The Love Story of Kerala and Sevens - Aravind Reghunathan, Institute for Sport Business, Loughborough University London - Daniel Lock, Department of Sport and Event Management, Bournemouth University
09:11-09:21 (10min)
› Identity leadership and motivation in Zumba classes: Does it matter to create a sense of ‘us' in temporary exercise groups? - Filip Boen, KULeuven
09:22-09:32 (10min)
› Impact of identity on feelings of exclusion among minority groups of video game players - Sarah Wiecek, Centre de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations
09:33-09:43 (10min)
› Exploring Student-Athletes' Social Identity During Transitions from Elite Sport into Higher Education - Benjamin Jeffery, Nottingham Trent University
09:44-09:54 (10min)
› Inclusive gym messaging boosts body image and exercise intentions among marginalised groups - Tegan Cruwys, Australian National University
10:17-10:27 (10min)
› Leadership Emotions and Group Identity: Experimental Insights - Fabrice Gabarrot, Laboratoire Psy-Drepi
10:28-10:38 (10min)
› Enhancing Team Performance through Social Identity: More lessons from Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby. - Jeremy Holt, Centre for Team Excellence, Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby
10:39-10:49 (10min)
› The effects of a dual phase Personal-Disclosure Mutual-Sharing (PDMS) intervention on social identity, identity content, collective efficacy, and team performance in elite male academy rugby. - Jason Wright, Staffordshire University
10:50-11:00 (10min)
› The importance of ‘we' and ‘us' in team sport: Practical guidance for developing a shared social identity - Matthew Slater, Staffordshire University - Jamie Barker, Loughborough University - Mark Beauchamp, The University of British Columbia
11:15-12:00 (45min)